2625 S Harbor Loop Dr, Bellingham, WA
If you would like to join a friendly car club, now is the time to signup for $15 per year-enrollment form on this website
2625 S Harbor Loop Dr, Bellingham, WA
2625 S Harbor Loop Dr, Bellingham, WA
This potluck -please bring something to share.
2625 S Harbor Loop Dr, Bellingham, WA
2193 Harksell Rd, Ferndale WA
This is our annual salmon bake at Mike Lanes home. Please bring a potluck to share. Thank you Mike!!
2193 Harksell Rd, Ferndale WA
225 W. Frosted Rd, Oak Harbor, WA
Linda Davis is again hosting a picnic, where there will likely be close to 70 cars. Always a fun time!!
225 W. Frosted Rd, Oak Harbor, WA
Hovander Park, Ferndale, WA
This will be at Hovander Park in Ferndale-with food provided at $25 per person
Hovander Park, Ferndale, WA